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Promote art to schools

Opening all minds to the arts is the main mission of the Art in Loft association.
Also, most of the exhibitions are an opportunity to associate the pupils of the schools of Salies-de-Béarn with the cultural actions set up by the association and its partners.
"Art in Loft" also offers schools the opportunity to collaborate in their educational projects: a bestiary written by the CM2 class of the Salies-de-Béarn public school was set to music by the pianist Cécile Foucat and the clarinetist Jean- Louis Charlas to offer a most original reading during the 2019 Christmas holidays.

Lors du 1er festival du verre , en Juillet 2021, l'art en loft a offert un stage d'initiation à la fabrication de perles de verre au chalumeau aux deux classes de CM2 de Salies .


Connect all the arts

Themed evenings are regularly organized: they aim to link different art forms: readings of tales, letters or stories set to music, discoveries of works around the same theme.
Friendliness and intellectual emulation are waiting for you!


Join the cultural actions of Salies de Béarn

"Art in Loft" is also the link between different associations: to allow events organized by other cultural associations in Salies-de-Béarn to be successful, "Art in Loft" favors partnerships and artistic collaborations by trying to include all the actors of our city: bookstore, restaurants, cultural or musical associations ...
This was the case for our exhibitions, the "Enchanted Salies" (Christmas festivities), the African week ...



Organize Conferences

Like this conference by Sylvie Anahory, art historian, anthropologist and novelist who proposed, on October 3, 2020, to decipher Vélasquez's painting, "Les Ménines" (1656).
A painting with an enigmatic composition that questions the link between reality and illusion, between the viewer and the canvas.
Couldn't the apparent rigor of the construction hide a trap?
A brilliantly conducted conference in the style of a police investigation ...


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